Amazed At His Love
(Author: Tom Walker, D.D.)
Text: John 3:16
One of the greatest verses in all of the Bible is
John 3:16. Some have called it "the Gospel in a nutshell."
Others have called it the "miniature Bible."
One thing is sure. Man is a sinner and deserves to die
for his sins. God hates sin, but we learn from the Bible that he does love
the sinner. We all know that a parent may disapprove of a child’s
conduct, but that does not change the love of the parent.
God certainly has strong disapproval of what we were
due to sin, but in spite of that He loved the sinner to the extent that He
gave heaven’s best that the sinner might be saved and redeemed from his
I never cease to be amazed at the wonderful love of
God. We know of a surety that God’s grace is amazing. If you look up the
word "amazing" you will find that it has the idea of
" being confounded with fear, surprise or wonder." It has
reference to something very wonderful, having an exciting astonishment or
perplexity. Have you ever come to the point that you no longer wonder how
He could love you, a sinner condemned unclean? I certainly haven’t and
don’t believe that I ever will while the ceaseless ages of eternity
roll. Don’t ever lose the "wonder and perplexity" of how God
could love and save wretches like you and me.
Amazing grace speaks of a "wretch." Do you know what a
wretch is?
1. A miserable person; one sunk in the deepest distress; as a forlorn
2. A worthless mortal; as a contemptible wretch.
3. A person sunk in vice; as a profligate wretch.
But, thank God the Lord saved such a wretch as me.
How true is the song Amazing Grace which says, "Amazing grace how
sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost, but now I’m
found, was blind but now I see."
If you ever get down and need a reminder of His love,
this verse will be a haven and oasis for you. Since the sinner needs to
know God loves him, there is no better place to take him than John 3:16.
Under the law we must die, but in grace Jesus comes and
bears the penalty of a broken law, that you and I might go free by our
personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Gospel of course means "good news." The
Gospel speaks of the Lamb of God coming from this world into this one, by
the means of a "virgin birth" that we might be saved by the
grace of God. This soul stirring verse reveals to us the reconciling work
of God in a nutshell.
2 Corinthians 5:19 says, "To wit, that God was in Christ,
reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto
them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation."
" Reconciliation" has to do with God calling back into union
and friendship the affections which have been alienated; to restore to
friendship or favor after estrangement; as, to reconcile men or parties
that have been at variance. It can mean to adjust; to settle; as, to
reconcile differences or quarrels.
There is only one way God could make us right to:
1. Fellowship with God
2. Know God.
3. Go to be with God.
It involved the sacrificial work of His darling Son at Calvary.
Recently I awoke early, in the wee hours of the morning and at that
time God gave me these thoughts about John 3:16. Here is what God showed
me about this most familiar verse. I trust God will bless you with it as
He did me when God gave me a fresh glimpse at a very familiar verse. Take
a short journey with me into the bless territory of John 3:16.
I. Love Which Is Infinite
God is an infinite God—having no bounds or
limitations. The Bible says, "For God." When thoughts of God
come to my mind I think of the Infinite One. He goes beyond boundaries of
time and space. This John 3:16 kind of love goes back into the counsels of
a past eternity, when there was no one but God in the universe.
A. God Is Infinite In His Duration
He did not have a beginning and He will not have an
B. God Is Infinite In His Presence
God is in all places at one time. A room, a door, a
prison cannot confine Him.
C. God Is Infinite In His Perfections
Man may strive for perfection, but all mankind has
limitations, but on God’s part we can be sure His perfections are
without bounds and limits.
Only infinite love can come from an infinite God. Mans
love often has so many limitations and shortcomings, but not so with God.
It is time we got absorbed in this all reaching,
unlimited love of God.
There was an old Scottish woman who was alone for the
greater part of the day. Someone asked her, "What do you do during
the day?"
Her response was, "Well, I get my hymn book and I
have a little hymn of praise to the Lord."
She also said, "I get my Bible and let the Lord
speak to me. When I am tired of reading, and I cannot sing anymore, I just
sit still and let the Lord love me."
II. Love Which Is Intense
The Bible says, "For God so loved the world."
God loves all of humanity. Since it is such an intense love, the little
word "so" is very fitting to describe His love. Christ’s act
of giving His life a ransom, helps us to understand the depths of the
little word "so." Love for the will of the Father and for man
motivated the Lord Jesus to give his life for sinners.
1 John 3:1 says, " Behold, what manner of
love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called
the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him
The word "so" suggests–" how much, to
what extent, to what degree." That little word will be the subject of
discussion when the saints of God all arrive home in heaven. When we see
what He has prepared for us, you can be sure that we will talk about the
wonder of it all, how God could love sinners such as you and me.
Who can plumb the depths of even a mother’s love? She
loves her children like no one else can love them. Though the
consideration of mother’s love is on a human level, we still cannot
fully understand the strength of a mother’s love. God’s love is a
divine quality love. If we cannot fully understand all there is to know
about the love of a mother, then we should understand that we will never
fully understand the depths and the extent of the love of God.
I believe in eternity, even the angels will still be
amazed that God would go to the extent that He did to save and redeem a
fallen race of human beings. I do not know that they will ever get over
the "wonder of it all." It will stagger the minds of eternal
heavenly creatures as to all God has done for His church.
III. Love Which Is Involving
The Scriptures in John 3:16 gives these words,
"that he gave." God knew mankind was lost in his sins, so He
took an active role and became involved in our redemption. If God had
stood by the side and not provided salvation, then we would still be lost
today. God provided Himself a lamb (Gen. 22:8).
Think about what He gave. He gave His Only Begotten
The term "only begotten" is a term that
speaks of someone who is one of a kind. There has never been and will
never anyone else just like the Lord Jesus Christ. He was 100% man, minus
a sin nature. He on the other hand was 100% God-----God in person, God in
power, and God in purposes.
The term only begotten speaks of at least three things:
A. His designation-
As I have already said, the Lord Jesus is one of a
kind. He is unique, in a class all by Himself.
B. His dignity-
This term "Only Begotten Son" is not used of
anyone else. He has a title that no one else can claim in heaven, on the
earth or under the earth.
C. His dearness-
The term "Only Begotten Son" is one that
speaks of His dearness and closeness to God the Father. Jesus spoke of his
"oneness" with the Father. There is never any bickering or
squabbling in the Godhead at all.
It is blessed to notice that God "gave." How
did God give his Son?
1. Willingly- no one forced God to give His Son to
redeem and save all that would come unto God through Christ.
2. Completely- even to the extent that He would die a
shameful, substitutionary death.
3. Effectively- What the Father had planned worked in
regard to providing a way for people to be saved and brought into
fellowship with God.
God’s love moved Him to bring about man’s
IV. Love Which Is Inviting
Our text verse says, "whosoever believeth in
Him." Because love has provided the way for our salvation, we are
invited to believe in Christ. Saving faith is not merely an intellectual
awareness, but a commitment of heart and life to the Lord Jesus Christ
One of the first things the Apostle Paul did when he
was saved was to say, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" He
acknowledged Jesus as Lord and fell in humble submission before Him.
Faith will bring about cleansing.
If you recall in Luke Chapter 17 ten lepers came to the
Lord Jesus. They lifted up their voices and cried out, "Master, have
mercy on us." Jesus saw their faith and brought their cure. He simply
told them, "Go shew yourselves unto the priest." The Bible says
on their way, as they went, they were all cleansed from the leprosy that
had so destroyed their skin. Leprosy is a type of sin. This shows what
Christ can do with our sins.
I think of the woman in Luke 8, who had an issue of
blood. She came trembling and fell down before the Lord. She cried out
unto him and was healed immediately.
V. Love Which Is Important
Jesus said, "Shall not perish." What Christ
did for us is important because it is the only thing that will save us
from perishing in our sins. If Christ had not done for us what He did, we
would have perished one day.
This sounds like a guarantee to me that the Christian
will never be estranged from and separated from salvation again.
Has at least two main ideas:
1. The idea of destruction- The idea is
not that of annihilation, such as the Jehovah’s False Witnesses, but
that of unavoidable stress and torment. It means to be brought to nothing
and suggests an endless misery in a lake of fire.
This speaks of "eternal death" or the
"second death." The worst thing in the world is not dying
physically. Physical death for the saint is nothing more than the corridor
that will lead us into the presence and glory of the Lord forever and
The worst thing a person could experience is eternal
death–which is being banished from the presence and glory of God forever
and ever.
2. The idea of denial- You will lose all
you could have possessed such as salvation, rewards, glory and brightness
There are various crowns that will be given to God’s
people. Also there will be a perfect home a perfect environment but those
who "perish" miss all of those wonderful things.
VI. Love Which Is Imparted
Christ used the following words, "But have
everlasting life." Love gives us a spiritual quality of life that
will never end. The end result of the application of the blood of Christ
to our lives is life everlasting. May we never take God’s love for
granted or regard it carelessly.
Let me remind you there is only one quality of life
that God gives to the believing sinner—that being eternal life. What
does eternal mean? It speaks of something that is-------
1. Without beginning or end of existence
2. Immortal
3. Continued without intermission
4. Unchangeable- existing at all times without change.
Those who put their faith in Christ have everlasting
Thank God John 3: 16 is in the Bible
Thank God that the Christ of Jn. 3:16 is in my heart.
Thank God that the Christ of Jn. 3:16 can enter your
The only thing that will make you perish, is to fail to
take Him as your Savior and Lord.
Closing illustration:
Gypsy Smith said that one time a group of gypsies were
forced to cross a swollen stream. Many of the gypsies drowned.
One young man made a desperate attempt to save his
mother who kept clinging to him. Several times he pushed her away and
said, "Let go Mother, and I can save you." She would not listen
and drowned.
At her funeral the son stood by his mother’s grave
and said over and over, "How hard I tried to save you, Mother, but
you wouldn’t let me!"
God tried to save the Israelites, but they wouldn’t
let Him. Have you allowed the Lord to make you His child and give you
eternal life? God has given you a will. You must accept Him or refuse Him.
May you may the right choice and choose the Lord Jesus.
If He is yours, there should be joy in your soul
flowing like a mighty river.
Sermon From Tom Walker

Site created by Tom Walker