I. The Masters Plan It is important for us to realize that Christ deeply cares for us and meets our needs. If He does that for His children, then surely He wants His children to look to the needs of the servant of God. A. His Propitiation Definitely Shows He Cares- (Rom. 3:25; 1 Jn. 2:2; 1 Jn. 4:10) B. His Provision Daily Shows He Cares (Matt. 6:33) C. His Proclamation Directly Shows He Cares (Lk.11:9,10) Since Jesus cares about us, then we should manifest care for those that He sends to lead and feed the flock of God.
II. The Main Principles There are two main verses which carry the main thrust of what Paul is telling you and me (see 1 Cor.9:11 and 9:14). A. It Involves Sowing and Reaping (11a). B. It Involves the Spiritual and the Material (v.11b). C. It Involves Preaching and Living (v. 14).
III. The Ministers Privilege (See verse 14). If one preaches the Gospel, he should be able to have a good living from the work that he does, as he proclaims the Truth of God. A. An Analogy from a Soldier (v.7a) B. An Analogy from Gardening (7b) C. An Analogy from Shepherding (7c) D. An Acclamation from Scriptures (9a) This is a quote from Deut.25:4. E. An Analogy from Servers (v.13) Cp. Lev. 6:16,17.
Conclusion: Paul could have expected support. Rather, he chose to make tents and furnish his own income. God will richly bless the people who take care of His servants (Lk.6:38). Put God first and He will add to your life daily what you need (Matt.6:35). SERMON FROM TOM WALKER, D.D. |