Religious Tramps Text: Jer 2:36 says, ":Why gaddest thou about so much to change thy way? thou also shalt be ashamed of Egypt, as thou wast ashamed of Assyria." Introduction: The religious tramp never excels. He is fickle and eats his spiritual food at one place today and at another one tomorrow. Let me gives you several causes that will produces these wanderers of which I speak. I. A Desire to Hear Something New The Bible says in the last days people will have "itching ears." "Itching ears" has reference to people desire to hear what they want to hear rather than what they need to hear. They are "sermon tasters" never satisfied with what they hear. II. A Spirit of Peevishness A. Suggests Fretfulness B. Suggests A Disposition to Murmur C. Sourness of Temper III. A Spirit of Pride There are some folks who never feel like they get what they deserve in a church, so they become roamers, looking for somewhere they will get the recognition they crave. They will not stop until they are elevated to the place they desires. Note: IV. A Spirit of Sentimentality They go to a certain church but will not turn lose of the ties with the former church where they were for a long while. When we leave one church, we are to soon unite with another (Baptist Church Covenant). They like the new church but sentimentalism keeps them tied to the old church. If there is no value where they attend, there is no value anywhere else. V. A Spirit of Backsliding A. The backslider is a miserable person. B. A backsliding spirit is a restless spirit-can't settle down. CONCLUSION: Sermon from Tom Walker