James 3:13-18 INTRO: As you know, we have already touched upon the subject before us tonight. Back in chapter 1:5, James exhorted us to wise up by saying, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not " It would stand to reason that if James takes the time to discuss this area of wisdom twice in his epistle, then there must be a point that he's wanting to drive home. It is no surprise to us that our day is filled with great knowledge. However, there is, again, a vast difference between knowledge and wisdom. O. S. Hawkins defines wisdom as, "the ability to take facts and put them into action at the point of need." However, I believe that Dr. H.B. Smith described it best by saying, "Wisdom is that attribute of God whereby he produces the best possible results with the best possible means!" It is remarkable to note that even outside of Biblical history and data, wisdom has always been associated with the deity of God. The great Socrates, who did around 400 B.C., refused to be called 'sophos', which is the Greek word for wise. But, he chose rather to be called 'philosophos', which means a "lover of wisdom." We know from the scriptures, that true wisdom comes from God. However, in this particular section of his epistle, James seeks to differentiate the Wisdom of the World, and the Wisdom from the Word. Therefore, let's take a look at these verses, and see first of all: I. THE WISDOM OF THE WORLD (v. 13-16) In these verses, James describes to us, in great detail, the wisdom that comes from the world. In verse 13, James exhorts those who are wise, and "endued with knowledge," or understanding, to demonstrate that in his conduct, and behavior. Simply put, James is saying, "One cannot practice what one does not possess!" Therefore, he goes to verse 14, and informs us that if there be things such as bitterness, strife(self-seeking) in our heart, then this isn't a reflection of Divine Wisdom, but Devilish Wisdom. He then focuses on some characteristics of the Wisdom of the World by explaining to us: A. IT'S ORIGIN (v. 15) . James is endeavoring to explain to us where the wisdom of the world originates. He shows us that it: 1. COMES FROM THE SECULAR " earthly " EARTHLY(lit.): "being set upon things of the earth" *****THIS WORD FOUND ONLY 7 TIMES IN THE ENTIRE NEW TESTAMENT***** . This is the same word Paul used to describe the enemies of the cross in Phil. 3:19: "Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things." . Therefore, the wisdom that comes from the world is of the world, and it's attention and affection are on the things of the earth, not upon the things of God. . J.A. Motyer described it well by saying: "At the very center of their being, where their life finds it's direction, where their attitudes are fashioned, and their likes and dislikes governed, the world and it's ways are the vital object attention." . Simply put, the wisdom of the world cares only for itself, and the things of the world. It Comes From the Secular! 5. COMES FROM THE SENSUAL " sensual "
SENSUAL(lit.): "unspiritual, or natural" IDEA: the part of life in common with animals *****THIS WORD IS ONLY USED TWICE IN THE ENTIRE NEW TESTAMENT***** . Jude used this word to describe the character of those apostates: "These they be who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit."(Jude 19) ILLUSTRATION: We often use the word "soul" in the same sense as the ancients used the word "spirit". But in the first century Greece, this word "sensual", or 'psyche' meant sensual physical life, that which sees, hears, smells, and touches. . Is not that the wisdom of the world today? It says, "If it feels good, DO IT!" . This kind of wisdom places feelings above faith. It is sensual and unspiritual. It's philosophy is, "I'll believe it when I can see it, hear it, smell it, or touch it!" It is worldly wisdom because it Comes From the Secular, and the Sensual. 4. COMES FROM THE SATANIC " .devilish." DEVILISH(lit.): "pertaining to demons" *****ONLY TIME THIS WORD IS USED IN THE ENTIRE NEW TESTAMENT***** . Thus, James explains why the wisdom of the world is Secular, and Sensual, because it comes from it's author: SATAN! . Going all the way back to the garden of Eden, up to the present day, we see the enemy, the devil as the orchestrator of worldly wisdom. . The devil's design is to explain everything that is, without crediting God. That's why Evolution, Humanism, and the New Age Movements are so prevalent today. . Therefore, it's easy to see the Origin of worldly wisdom, it Comes From the Secular, the Sensual, and the Satanic! B. IT'S OUTCOME (v. 16) < . Now that James has informed where the world's wisdom comes from. He now seeks to show us the Outcome of this type of wisdom. He shows us that it: 1. RESULTS IN CONTENTION " envying and strife.." ENVYING(lit.): "to boil, or bubble" PICTURE: Of a pot, on the stove, boiling over *****COMES FROM THE WORD WE GET OUR WORD 'ZEAL' FROM***** . What James is describing here is when zeal gets out of hand, and begins to bubble up, and become jealously. . The real picture here is that even though a man may not want a particular honor for himself, he does not want a certain person to get it either. . You see, friend, it was envy that caused Cain to rise up and kill Abel. It was envy that caused Joseph's brothers to sell him to the Ishmaelites. . However, he not only mentions that this type of worldly wisdom results in "envying," but also in "strife."
STRIFE(lit.): "selfish ambition, those who seek their own gain" PICTURE: The Greeks used this word to describe a politician who was canvassing and scheming for votes . Sad to say, we see much of this happening in the body of Christ today. Once there was unity, but now everyone wants to get their own way. As a result, they'll do whatever it takes to get it. This wisdom is not from God, it's of the world, and it Results in Contention! 6. RESULTS IN CONFUSION " confusion "
CONFUSION(lit.): "commotion, instability, and disorder" . This is the same word as found in I Corinthians 14:33: "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace .." refore, this type of worldly wisdom results not only in Contention, but in Confusion. . What you have is every one trying to exert his own right, and get his own way. This type of Corinthian behavior Results in Contention, and Confusion! 4. RESULTS IN CORRUPTION " every evil work."
EVIL(lit.): "good for nothing, meaningless, or worthless" . James not only demonstrates to us that this type of worldly wisdom results in Contention, and Confusion, but also in Corruption. . Do you begin to see the picture here? Whatever is done by envying, and strife(selfish ambition) at the end of the day is good for nothing, meaningless, and worthless.
ILLUSTRATION: A late Hollywood film star said, not long before he died: "I did everything I could to get to the top of the tree, but when I got to the top I found that there was nothing there!" . That's the Origin, and the Outcome of the Wisdom of the World!
II. THE WISDOM FROM THE WORD (v. 17-18) James turns his attention now to the Divine wisdom that comes only from the Word. He shows us: A. IT'S CONTRAST (v. 17a) . The "but" that James uses sets the stage, and the scene to contrast Worldly wisdom from Word wisdom. . Thus, he shows us that this type of wisdom has a Divine origin: IT COMES FROM GOD!! . Solomon said, in Proverbs 2:6: "For the Lord giveth wisdom; out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding." . Therefore, while worldly wisdom comes the Pit of Hell, Word wisdom comes from the Portals of Heaven! . While worldly wisdom comes from Satan, Word wisdom comes from the Savior. That's the difference, and it's Contrast! F. IT'S CRITERIA (v. 17b) . James is going to use eight different adjectives to describe heavenly, or Word wisdom. However, he draws specific attention to one, and says that this wisdom is, before it is anything else, it is "first pure."
PURE(lit.): "free from defilement's, holy, and perfect" IDEA: Of something that can only come from a Divine being . Therefore, the criteria that this wisdom must meet, to be heavenly wisdom, is that before it can be anything else, it must first of all be pure. . Thus, the man who has this "pure" wisdom can say with the songwriter: "Oh let thy sacred presence fill, And set my longing spirit free Which pants to have no other will, But day and night to feast on thee, Henceforth, may no profane delight, Divide this consecrated soul Possess it thou, who hast the right, As Lord and Maker of the Whole!" This Wisdom From the Word is pure, because it's origin is pure. That's it's Contrast, and it's Criteria. E. IT'S CHARACTERISTICS (v. 17c) . Now, James lists the eight characteristics of the pure wisdom that comes from the Word. . He tells us that: The wisdom from the Word is Peaceable, not Perverted! The wisdom from the Word is Gentle, not Grievous! The wisdom from the Word is Full of Mercy, not Full of Murmuring! The wisdom from the Word is Good Fruit, not Bad Fruit! The wisdom from the Word is Without Partiality, not With Prejudice! The wisdom from the Word is Without Hypocrisy, not With Hypocrisy! . As a result, this type of wisdom from the Word has an affect upon us. For the Wisdom from the Word: 1. PRODUCES THE RIGHT ATTRIBUTE (v. 18a) . When we possess this heavenly wisdom it will result in the right attribute called here, "the fruit of righteousness." 2. PRODUCES THE RIGHT ACTION (v. 18b) . Once the "fruit of righteousness" has been produced, it will always include the right action, and will be "sown in peace." 4. PRODUCES THE RIGHT ATTITUDE (v. 18c) . This is the final outcome of everything that James has discussed. . When we possess this wisdom harmonious relationships will be developed. . When we possess this wisdom, we'll be what Warren Wiersbe called, "Peacemakers, not Troublemakers!" and we will sing with the songwriter: "May His beauty rest upon me, As I seek the lost to win, And may they forget this channel, Seeking only Him!" . That's the Contrast, the Criteria, and the Characteristics of the Wisdom From the Word!
ILLUSTRATION: At the Rockefeller Center in New York City are four large murals. The first is a painting of a primitive man laboring with hands. Next is the painting of a man having become the creator of tools and machinery. The third mural shows this man to be both a master and a servant to the machine he created. The final mural seems to be one of great surprise. For, it pictures Jesus at the Sermon on the Mount, and struggling to reach Him are great masses of people. Underneath the fourth mural, the mural of Christ, are inscribed these words: "Man's ultimate destiny depends on not whether he can learn new lessons or make new discoveries, or conquests; but, on his acceptance of the lesson that was taught him over 2,000 years ago!" Which of the Two Ways of Wisdom will you travel? Will it be the Wisdom of the World, or the Wisdom From the Word? Both have an Origin, and an Outcome. However, one leads to the Demonic realm, and one to the Divine realm. Which one will you allow to lead through life? SERMON FROM STEVE WAGERS