Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

Psalm 66:18
I dont know how things are around your house, but one thing that
my wife, and I, take pride in, is the fact that you wont find much
clutter around our house. It is something that greatly annoys, and
agitates me. However, I remember a time, not long after we were
married, and lived in Virginia, that I came face to face with this very
My wife, Kim, was looking for some of her teaching supplies. We had
searched the entire house, but were unable to find them. My study,
which was in the loft of our house, had in it a couple of old storage
closets. One, had a small door, which, to get into it, required getting
down on all fours. As I endeavored to find those supplies, I crawled
through that little hole, wading though things that we didnt use, or
need; and that, having no where else to put them, we stuck them in that
closet. As I tried to dig out those supplies, I found that as I moved
one item, three or four other things would fall, either upon me, or in
the path that I was clearing. Finally, after much searching, and
digging, I found those supplies; and, was determined, never again, to
have the problem of clutter!
In much the same way, the theme of Psalm 66:18, seems to emphasize
this same point. The Psalmist is speaking of, and referring to the
number one hindrance to a Christians prayer life: the clutter of
unconfessed sin! John Bunyan wrote of prayer, and said, "Prayer is a
shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge to Satan."
Bunyan, also said, in his book, Pilgrims Progress, "Prayer will make a
man cease from sin, but sin will make a man cease from prayer!" The
late Dr. F.E. Marsh stated, "There is nothing that so takes the joy out
of a prayer life as unconfessed sin on the conscience."
In his book, The Index of Leading Spiritual Indicators, George Barna
revealed a very interesting finding: he showed that most people do pray
about many things, in many different ways, for example:
---95% thank God for what He has done in their lives
---67% acknowledge his unique and superior attributes
---61% ask for specific needs; however, only
---47% ask forgiveness for specific sins 1
However, the Psalmist seems to point out that if you and I, as Gods
people, are to have a productive, purposeful, and powerful prayer life,
then we have to deal with unconfessed sin; and we must be concerned with
"Clearing the Clutter Out Of The Closet!"In this short verse, David, reveals to
us three truths, that we must
see, about the danger of the clutter of unconfessed sin to our prayer
life. We see, first of all, the:
In one very short, but powerful, word, David reveals to us the cause of
unconfessed sin. The word that he uses is the word "regard", and by
taking a deeper study into this word, we see that the cause of
unconfessed sin stems from two things.
REGARD(lit.): "to be near, to think of, or to perceive"
IDEA: Of allowing something to come in by a willful, voluntary act
1. Thus, we see that what David is referring to, here, is not a
stumbling into sin, or as Paul described, in Galatians 6:1, to be
"overtaken in a fault."
2. He has in mind a willful acceptance of that sin into our lives.
3. You see, friend, it is when you and I consider that sin, contemplate
that sin, and cooperate with that sin, that acceptance of that sin is
made, and we invite it in.
4. As you know, it doesnt take much to do this. But, let one person
let down his guard, and it wont be long until acceptance is made.
I am reminded of when our Lord was arrested and led away to the
judgment hall. Peters denial had already been foretold; however, it, no
doubt, never dawned on Peter how near, and how true it was. Then, in
Luke 22:55, after Peter had followed them, as they took away our Lord,
that they built a fire, and who do we see seated among them: none other
than Peter.
5. You see, Peter had let down his guard, and invited and accepted the
thing that he said he would never do.
6. Friend, if you and I arent careful, and if we dont heed Pauls
advice, in I Thessalonians 5:22, to "Abstain from all appearances of
evil," then there will be a invitation, and An Acceptance of Sin!
1. He not only informs us that unconfessed sin is caused by an
acceptance of Sin, but also by an agreement with sin.
REGARD(lit.): "to respect, to gaze upon, or to approve of"
IDEA: Of knowing that it is there, yet allowing it to remain there
2. The fact of the matter is, that if unconfessed is accepted, and not
dealt with, it will, sooner or later, be agreed with, and approved of.
I once read of a drunk husband who came in late, one night, and
sneaked up the stairs. He looked in the bathroom, and bandaged the
bumps and bruises hed received in a fight earlier that night. He thenproceeded to
climb into bed, smiling at the thought that hed pulled one over on his wife. When
morning came, he opened his eyes and there stood his wife. She shouted, "You were
drunk last night werent you?" "No
honey," he answered. To which she replied, "Well, if you werent, then
who put all those Band-Aids on the bathroom mirror?"
3. That man, like so many Christians, had become so comfortable with
his sin, that hed do whatever he had to do to cover it up.
4. I submit unto you, this morning, if there is an unconfessed sin in
your closet, it is because youve accepted it, and youve agreed with
it. The tragedy is, the longer it stays, the more it spoils!"
I remember reading of four preachers that met for a friendly
gathering. During the course of the conversation, one preacher said,
"Our people come to us pour our their hearts, and confess certain sin,
lets do the same, for confession is good for the soul!" In due time
all agreed. One preacher confessed that he liked to go to movies, and
would sneak off when he was away from his church. The second confessed to liking to smoke
cigars, and the third one confessed to liking to play cards. When it came to the fourth
preacher, he wouldnt confess. The
others pressed him, by saying, "Come now, we confessed ours. Whats
your secret?" Finally, he answered, "Its gossiping, and I cant wait
to get out of here!"
5. Sad to say, many believers fit the mold of this preacher. They love
to hear everyone elses secret faults, but theyll never "spill the
beans" on their own.
6. Is there an uncovered, and an unconfessed sin in your closet? If
there is, then you have given acceptance of it. If it remains, then
youve given agreement with it. Thats the Cause of Unconfessed Sin!
David moves now from the cause of unconfessed sin, to the condition of
unconfessed sin. He shows us that its condition always:
1. By the use of a small, yet powerful pronoun, "my," David shows us
that this condition of unconfessed sin, always involves a single person.
2. Thus, we see that if unconfessed sin is present, then the fault, the
guilt, and the blame lies no where else, but within that person.
3. It comes home, to you and I, and it involves a single person.
The Prussian king, Fredrick the Great, was touring a Berlin prison,
one day. The prisoners fell on their knees before him to proclaim their
innocence, except for one man, who remained silent. Fredrick called to
him, and asked, "Why are you here?" The prisoner replied, "Armed
robbery, your majesty." The king then asked, "Are you guilty?" To
which the man replied, "Yes indeed, your majesty. I deserve mypunishment!" The
king then summoned the jailer, and ordered him to
release that guilty man at once. He said, "I will not have him kept in
this prison where he will corrupt all the fine innocent people who
occupy it!" 2
4. May the Holy Ghost help us to not shift the blame, and point the
finger, but gaze into our own closet, and acknowledge that impurity.
5. I believe that Moody summed it powerfully, when he said, "Many of
our prayer meetings are killed by men trying to pray because their lives
are not right. A man may stand high in the community, and may be a
member or some in "good standing;" but, the question, how does he stand
in the sight of God. If there is anything wrong in your life, make it
right! 3
6. David seems have said the same thing thousands of years before. If
there is unconfessed sin, then it Involves a Single Person: YOU!
1. Not only does the condition of unconfessed sin involve a single
person, but it also involves a secret place.
2. As you know, David is referring to that which is the seat of our
being, and our emotions.
3. It is the place where no one else can observe, and the place that
Jeremiah described, in Jeremiah 17:9, by saying, "The heart is deceitful
above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"
4. It is that place hidden from the eye of man; yet, carefully looked
upon by the eye of God.
As Samuel was preparing to anoint the next king of Israel, in I
Samuel 16, he looked upon Jesses son, Eliab, and said, "Surely the
Lords anointed is before him." Yet, God replied by saying, "..Look not
on his countenance, or on the height of his stature, because I have
refused him: for the Lord seeth not as a man seeth; for man looketh on
the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh upon the heart."(c.f. I
Samuel 16:7)
5. Thus, David reveals to us that if unconfessed is present, then it is
lodged in not only a single person, but in a secret place that only God
I once read of a violent storm that one night struck the
Yellowstone National Park. The storm hit a large tree, which over the
years had become a giant, and it was found lying across a pathway in the
park. Nothing but a splintered stump was left.
Closer examination showed that the storm was not the entire cause
of this trees decay. But, it was rotten at the core because of
thousands of tiny insects had eaten away at its heart. One of the
scientists, at the scene, said, "The weakness of that tree was notbrought on by the
storm, but it began the very moment the first insect
nested within its bark!"
6. Friend, the fact of the matter is, that if there is some unconfessed
sin, that youve accepted and agreed with, lying dormant, hidden and
unseen, the tragedy is, that the insects of sin have begun to weaken
you. If, and when you fall, it will not be because of the circumstances
that happened, but because the secret place of your heart has been
eroded. It always Involves a Single Person! It always Involves a
Secret Place! Thats the Condition of Unconfessed Sin!
David brings it now to a tragic conclusion. He has, no doubt, from
experience, spoken to us, and showed us the cause, and the condition of
unconfessed sin. However, now he shows us the consequence of
unconfessed sin. The result, or consequence, is displayed, by seeing
that if unconfessed sin is present, then:
1. What a tragedy! He informs us that where there is unconfessed sin,
there is a God who is unmoved.
2. Is it that God is unjust, unfair, and unconcerned? Certainly not!
However, where there is sin, there is the contempt of God. Where there
is sin, there is condemnation of God. Not for the sinner, but for the
sin. As a result, God is Unmoved!
B. PRAYER IS UNHEARD "the Lord will not hear me"
1. As if that wasnt enough, David explains the consequence is, not
only that, God is unmoved, but Prayer is unheard.
HEAR(lit.): "to give attention to, or consider"
2. However, the result of unconfessed sin is that our prayer is
unattended to, and unheard.
3. Solomon re-emphasized David words, in Proverbs 15:29, when he said,
"The is far from the wicked, but he heareth the prayer of the
righteous." In Proverbs 28:9, he said, "He that turneth away his ear
from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be an abomination."
4. Possibly, this morning, youre wandering why your prayer life is
stagnant, and stale. It may be that theres an iniquity, and
unconfessed sin in your closet. What a price to pay, where God is
Unmoved, and Prayer is Unheard! Thats the Consequence of Unconfessed
In its natural state, asbestos is a soft rock consisting of
compressed fibers. Because of its fire resistant qualities, it has had
thousands of uses in home and industry, over the years. Almost 30
million tons of it has been used in the United States for insulationsince 1900. However,
according to a recent Harvard Medical School
report, more than 500,000 Americans will die from exposure to the
air-borne particles of asbestos. The report stated that, "Just because
there doesnt appear to be an immediate problem, the public must not be
fooled. Asbestos disease becomes a medical problem when its too late
to cure it. The symptoms may not show up for 30 years or more, however,
then its too late!"
In much the same way, if unconfessed sin is present, the symptoms
may not soon appear; however, the lasting effects are deadly to a
Christians personal life, public life, and prayer life. David has
plainly, and boldly explained to us the Cause of Unconfessed Sin, the
Condition of Unconfessed Sin, and the Consequence of Unconfessed Sin.
May we join him in saying, as he did in Psalm 139:23-24, "Search me, O
God, and know my heart, try me, and know my thoughts. And see if there
be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Do you
want a powerful, productive, and a purposeful prayer life? Then you
must honestly, and openly, be "Clearing The Clutter Out Of The Closet!"

Site created by Tom Walker