TEXT: John 19:19-20 INTRODUCTION: When Pi!ate had given over to the crucifixion of Christ, they led Him away to a hill called Calvary and there they crucified Him. There were many who surveyed the cross, but few were affected. I. THE DISCIPLE SURVEYED THE CROSS IN GRIEF 1. There was only one of the discip!es who stood by the cross. That was John. -John 19:26; Mark 16:6 2. We that are saved survey the cross with deep appreciation for the precious blood that was shed for us, not with grief. The cross may be repulsive to the world, but it is blessed to the believer. - I Corinthians 1:18 II. THE SPECTATORS SURVEYED THE CROSS IN MOCKERY 1. The majority of the crowd that day were there to jeer and mock the blessed Lord Jesus Christ. - Matthew 27:39.40 2. The only reason that God didn't consume this mocking crowd is because an eternal work was being accomplished. Just because the mocking crowd seemingly got away with it does not mean God did not observe them. III. THE CENTURION SURVEYED THE CROSS WITH REGRET 1. The soldiers around the cross were not conscious of whom they had nailed to the middle cross. They gambled for His garment and offered Him vinegar to drink. But when the darkness covered the earth and the earth began to quake, one soldier surveyed the cross in a different light. Matthew 27 :54 2. The centurion regretted what he was guilty of, but it was too late. When Paul preached to King Agrippa, his reply was, "Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian." IV. THE THIEF SURVEYED THE CROSS AS DELIVERANCE 1. There were two thieves crucified at the same time as Jesus. One joined the crowd and mocked Him but the other realized his sinful state and who Jesus was Therefore, he cried out for deliverance. - Luke 23:42-43 2. There are multitudes today, who like the thief, seeing their lost condition, have cried out, "Remember me Lord.'' They have experienced the same deliverance. This is still the message to every lost soul. If they are willing to call upon Him, they will receive the same deliverance. -John 3: 14~15; Romans 10:13 Sermon From Maze
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