Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are


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"Preach The Word"

The Wonderful Grace of Jesus


Titus 2:11-12


God’s people have so much to be thankful for and appreciative for in life. We have an ocean of blessing that God has sent our way if we would just stop and realize the benefits of the generosity of Almighty God in our behalf.

There is the blessing of freedom. Some nations are living under ruthless military governments and have little or no freedom, but here is America we are so blessed. We do not live in starvation, hunger, poverty, disease, and fear.

There is the blessing of family. If you have a Christian mother or father then you have much to be thankful for in life. God instituted the family in the Garden of Eden and gave it before he instituted the church. We should take time to focus in on the needs of our family members.

There is the blessing of fellowship. That is what we have as the people of God or as believers in a local church. We have a fellowship. We share spiritual things in common. We have like precious faith, same Holy Spirit, same hope, and have all been baptized into one body when we were saved.We have fellowship because the blood has cleansed and goes on cleansing us from sin.

There is also the blessing of friends. Prov. 17:17 says "A friend loveth at all times." A person finds very few real friends in life. There will be many acquaintances but few friends.

Freedom, family, fellowship, friends, are all important, but they are all inferior to the wonderful grace of Jesus.

In two verses here Paul deals with the Subject of Grace.

Portrays grace as the motivating power of Christian living.


2:11 "For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared unto all men."

Grace brought salvation. At one time we lived in danger every moment of waking up in hell, but now that are saved have assurance of eternity with God. We will bask forever in in glorious presence in a place of indescribable beauty. He has prepared that for you and for me, in spite of our unworthiness.

JUSTICE would have brought us judgment rather than grace.

There is no salvation apart from grace. Grace is a free gift.

Bestowed not earned.

If we could earn salvation or deserve it, then it would be a salvation of works rather than grace.

Grace is something expensive------

On our part it is free, but on God’s part it cost Him his only begotten Son.

It cost God the shame, suffering, sin bearing of his pure and thrice Holy Son.

Salvation is free but it is sure not cheap.

Grace is something expressed-------

In God giving his own Son as one who procures redemption for us.

Christ’s death at Calvary was a planned event.

So many deaths are accidental.

I recently read the autobiography of an old colored preacher bythe name of John Jasper. He lived many years ago, lived a wicked life, but was saved by the grace of God. He described what happened him in salvation this way. ‘The darkness of death was in my soul. My sins were piled upon me like mountains. My feet were sinking down into the regions of despair, and I felt that of all the sinners in the world I was the worst. I thought that I would die, right then. With what I though was my last breath, I flung up to heaven a cry for mercy. Before I knew it, the light had broke. I was light as a feather, my feet were on the mountain, salvation rolled like a flood through my soul, and I felt that I could knock off the factory roof with my shouts."


A. Salvation’s Origination Is In The Heart of God

It is the GRACE OF GOD. Of is a source word. It is a word of origin.

Our salvation originated with the divine Godhead- Father, Son, & Spirit.

In the dateless past, in eternity past, before a star ever twinkled or the sun ever shone, before there was a moon, a man, or a monster, before there was ever a speck of dirt or a blade of grass, God has concieved in His heart a plan of salvation.

Washington did not concieve this plan! The King of heaven did! That is what makes it so good.....

B. Salvation’s Manifestation is the Son of God

v. 11 "HATH APPEARED" That verb, action word appeared, speaks of a particular or pointed time in the past.It is what we called "aorist" tense in the Greek NT. Tenses of verbs tell us something. This one tells us that the salvation of God was manifested at a particular time in the past. It was manifest in Bethlehem’s manger.

God manifested Jesus in the incarnation, that is when God became a man.

C. Salvations Declaration

"Hath appeared to all men" v.11

This does not say that all men will be saved, but that all can be saved if they will come to Christ in personal faith. The atonement makes all men saveable.

"Hath appeared" = to make evident, to bring something hidden to light, To unveil something that has been veiled.

How does God show this grace?

Not by just giving us the Bible or through some beautiful poem.



v.12 says that grace is "TEACHING US".

There is more to grace than just being saved. It is not only a saving grace but a teaching grace.


As I look back over my Bible college years and at three years of graduate work I can say that God has blessed me with many godly and knowledgeable teachers. However, my greatest teacher has been "the grace of God" that I received when I knelt at the foot of the cross.

When we are saved God begins an experience in us. We are new born babes growing into maturity through preaching, teaching, and instruction.



Ungodliness-- is living without reverence toward the Lord. To "deny ungodliness" is to say "NO" to "TURN FROM IT, REJECT IT."

It does not mean that we just do not drink alcoholic beverages, or that we do not live in an immoral way, but it deals with out thought life as well...

!. We are to deny acts of ungodliness

Lost man does not have this teaching ministry of inward grace. That is why he does whatever he wants to do. He wants to commit acts of sin that is why he does it.

Grace teaches us to not commit adultery or fornication.
Grace teaches us not to steal.
Grace teaches us not to drink strong drink.
Grace teaches us not to murder others.
Grace teaches us not to go around half-clothed in summer time in community.
Grace teaches you to love God’s people.
Grace teaches you not to be filled with pride, envy, jealousy and the like.

2. We are to deny attitudes of ungodliness.

We are to deny lusts or desires that are wrapped up with this ungodly evil system that is around us each day.

John Knox translates ungodliness as ‘IRREVERANT THOUGHTS.’ "Irreverant" to be disrespectful or critical of what is is generally accepted as spiritually right. It is a battle to keep our thoughts right even in worship service of church at times.

What is your thought life like? The Christian has an inward battle with having the right thoughts about God and about others.

There is an inward struggle of sin in person.

See Rom 7:15-20.

We as God’s people are not to allow the world system to set our standards for us. We are not to do things as the world does just to be like everyone else around us.

Any kind of raising money through raffles, yard sales, or anything else should not have the church’s name tacked onto it. We do not have to ask for the worlds support to take care of our churches debts. It dishonors God!



Note words in v. 12 "That we should live" Grace gets some things done in our life---YEILDS RESULTS, HAS AN EFFECT, IT PERFORMS AND EXECUTES SOME THINGS IN OUR LIVES.


5TH mention of this word in Titus. What does it mean? Self control---disciplined living.

How can we do that?

Live under leadership and Lordship of the Holy Spirit of God.

When the Holy Spirit touches our Spirits we can live sanely.

The sober life is the God controlled life.

When we get out of control, get erratic in action and behavior, we are getting out of touch with God. That is when our lifestyle does not make good sense.


God may have to bring you through some difficult experiences to get you under control, if you are out of control, but He surely will.

B. Brings About Righteous Living

v.12 Uses the word "righteously"

This word speaks of our relationship to our fellow man.

Treat others as you feel God would. Live in such a way to not always be out to bring others down.

THE NATURAL PART OF US harbors bitterness, anger and other undesirable things. But the SPIRITUAL MAN is to take us up on a higher plane.


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