Dr. J.F.
Compact Disk
Memorial Album

This album has eight of Brother Aker's sermons. He made
his home in the Lynchburg, Virginia area. He preached the
Gospel of Christ for 97 years. He said this- " I believe in the
old time salvation that puts sparkles in your eyes and hallelujahs
in your soul. Dr. Aker traveled on horseback to preach and forded
rivers to reach folks in need of salvation.

1- Satisfied 2- Walk-Sit-Stand 3- The Last Call
4- Neglect 5- The Church 6- What Shall I Do
With Jesus?
7- Love 8- Scared Preachers
(Item # AKCDAL)

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Click on blinking ball below to
hear a clip of Brother Aker's preaching:


created by Tom Walker