Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"


Eight Sermon CD Album
Rev. Bill Bryant
Pastor- Camp Meeting Speaker

(1929 -2004)


Bill Bryant was born in Yancey County, North Carolina, on Feb,. 21, 1929 to the late Perry and Georgia Bradford Bryant. He was pastor of four churches in North Carolina, serving the last 37 years of his ministry as pastor of the West Court Street Baptist Church in Marion, North Carolina.

He preached hundreds of revivals and was in demand for camp meeting services as well. He was a radio speaker for over 40 years.

He was a Spirit filled proclaimer of the Word of God. His messages were simple enough for the young person to grasp them, and yet profound enough for the most intelligent of minds.

Bill Bryant was the pastor of Tom Walker, the founder of the Preacher's Corner Org.


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Thanks to the Old Fashioned Revival Hour
for allowing the Preachers Corner to make
this availab


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