New Preacher's Corner
Compact Disk Albums #1 and #2
(Ready for shipment to you)
"Gone But Not Forgotten"
((A tribute to some great preachers of the past)
Eight CD Sermons in Each Album

Due to the request of many
who regularly visit the Preachers Corner Internet site, these tapes are being
provided for those who appreciate the servants of God, who labored before us. These tapes
are of men who "blazed a trail" for coming generations to follow. They remained
true to the Word of God, even when they saw the love of many becoming cold. These men were
Spirit led and Spirit filled, devoted, dedicated----Gods servants who fearlessly and
faithfully declared the glorious truths of the Bible.
None of these men are just alike in their delivery of the messages. It
is a blessed day when you learn that you do not have to be just like another preacher. You
should be yourselfbe what God has made you through His providence and bestowed gifts
in your life.
When I was just a young boy, my dad taught me to have "spiritual
heroes" in my life. The men preaching on these tapes have fought a good fight,
finished the course, and kept the faith. They are now enjoying the "henceforth"
of the crown of righteousness. They are "spiritual heroes" or "spiritual
giants" as far as I am concerned. There are so many things we should learn from men
of the caliber of those preaching on these tapes. I provide these tapes in the hope they
will be a blessing to many. Also, I trust the sermons may stir others to"Preach
the word, be instant in season, out of season, to reprove. rebuke, and exhort with all
longsuffering and doctrine"( 2 Tim. 4:2). Remember, one day your works will follow
These are in standard Wave File
These are not MP3's. Preachers
Found In CD Album #1
Dr. John McCormick- "A Gospel Rooster"
Dr. Percy Ray- "My Heart's Desire"
Evangelist Maze Jackson-
"When God Sets Your Barley Fields On Fire"
A.F. Blackburn - "Victory Over Circumstances"
Dr. B.R. Lakin- "Two Great Desires Of The Christian
Dr. George W. Truett- "Is Prayer Profitable?"
Dr. James A. Stewart- "What Is Revival?"
Joe Parsons- "Christian or Church Member?"
(Item # -GOCDAL1)
Found In CD
Album #2
Dr. Harold Sightler- "Can
Dr. B.B. Caldwell-"The Secret of God's Power"
Ray Long- "Weeping"
Evangelist Billy Kelly- "Crossing The Brook"
Dr. J. F. Aker - "A Soldier of The Cross"
Evangelist Billy Kelly- "Crossing The Brook"
Dr. Oliver B. Greene--"Where Are The Dead?"
Dr. Robert G. Lee- "What Calvary Should Mean To
(Item # -GOCDAL2)
Found In CD
Album #3
Dr. Andrew Telford-
"Motives For Ministry"
Dr. W.A. Criswell- "The Flames of Revival"
Dr. Curtis Hutson- "The Secret of the Life that Wins"
Dr. Bruce Lackey- "How To Live A Long Happy Life"
Rev. Bill Bryant- "Why I Have Not Quit"
Dr. E.J. Daniels- "How To Be Victorious Over Death"
Dr. Edgar Thomas- "Four Reasons Jesus Is Coming"
Dr. John R. Rice- "All Satan's Apples Have Worms"
(Item # -GOCDAL3)
These CD's are in a plastic cases that holds
eight CD's. They will be a keepsake for you and coming
generations, having a message by some of the "spiritual giants," who have
gone on to glory ahead of us. These recordings will help
provide inspiration and encouragement as we face the difficult days in which we live.
You can have the whole set of 8 great messages in "Gone But Not Forgotten #1,"
for a donation to the Preacher's Corner of $25.00. Album #2 has 8 messages within its covers for the same cost.
SPECIFY IF YOU WANT A SINGLE ALBUM OR BOTH. If you are in a nation other than the US
or Canada, e-mail Tom Walker at the following e-mail address---------- TW@PreachersCorner.org for more information on
the donation we would need to send the item to you.. These are men of God, who you have heard about, that you can have
with you by the way of digital recording. When you send the
donation the item will be sent to you. Your donation form can be accessed by clicking on the ORDER NOW below.
Either CD Album
can be yours with
at least a $40.00 donation.
Add $4.00 for postage and handling.

Click on ab

ove graphic
to print out order form.

Site created by Tom Walker