Dr. Vance Havner
Compact Disk
Memorial Albums

(1901 - 1986)
Dr. Havner is a "Prince of Preachers."
His was very powerful in his
presentation and very practical when it came to application. He authored
over 30 books. Dr. Havner was a well-known revival and conference speaker. His
wit and wisdom flows through his writings and speaking
like the waters of a mighty river at flood-tide. You will hear him gladly!
I do thank the proper people for giving me permission to help Dr. Havners sermons to live
on today, although now he is basking in the presence of God. Read his writings and listen
to his heart-stirring sermons!
Three Albums Are
Presently Available
Album #1
"As He Is, So Are We In The World"
"Is This That?"
"Crags or Cages?"
"All This and Heaven Too"
"Where Is America Headed?"
"It's About Time"
"Alas or Hallelujah?"
"Where Is Your God?"
(Item # HACDAL1)
Album #2
"Must You Live"
"The Christian and This World"
"The Best Is Not Good"
"The Unfinished Work of Christ"
"A Judgment Is Coming "
"God's Care For The Sparrow"
"If We Had Revival"
"The Journey Is For The Great"
(Item # HACDAL2)
Album #3
"God's Anyone"
"Look Who Is Here"
"Four Tests of A Preacher"
"Lest We Forget"
"The Kind of Preacher We Need"
"Eternal Life A Present Possession"
"A Few Considerations"
"The Situation Is Desperate"
(Item # HACDAL3)
Album #4
"Sanctified Extravagance"
"Cleansing the Temple"
"Don't Miss Your Miracle"
"The Church and Repentance"
"What Makes the Difference"
"A Visitation of God"
"The Lord, the Lad and the Lunch"
(Item # HACDAL4)
These albums
can be yours for a
$40.00 or more donation per unit.
Add $4.00 postage for one album
Call 828-738-0992 to find out postage cost
if ordering more than one album
When your gift is received your album will be sent.
To order--click on graphic that says, "Order Now"

Click on blinking ball below to
hear a clip of Dr. Havner's preaching:

Site created by Tom Walker