Curtis Hutson
Compact Disk
Memorial Album

Dr. Hutson for many years pastored
the Forrest Hills Baptist
Church in Decatur, Georgia. He was a great Bible Conference
and Revival speaker. He touched many lives with his simple
and yet profound presentation of the eternal truths of God.
Here are the titles in this 8 sermon
cassette album:
Resisting The Devil
The Value Of A Soul
Fishers Of Men
The Spiritual Application Of The Axe-head
Life At Its Best
A Three-fold Secret Of A Great Life
The Final Judgment
The Unbelievable Gospel
(Item # HUCDAL1)
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$40.00 or more donation.
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To order--click on graphic that says, "Order Now"

Click on blinking ball below to
hear a clip of Dr. Hutson's preaching

Site created by Tom Walker