Compact Disk Albums
Available By Dr. B.R. Lakin

Eight Great Sermons By Dr. B.R. Lakin

B.R. Lakin was born on a farm near Fort Gay, West Virginia. He
was converted to Christ at the age of sixteen, during a revival meeting. The preacher that
baptized him was the nephew of Devil Anse Hatfield of the Hatfield-McKoy feud families.
One week later he preached his first sermon and soon after that time became a circuit
riding preacher. He rode a mule to country churches near the forks of the Big Sandy River.
Dr. Lakin attended Moody Bible Institute and pastored several
churches. After doing so, he was called by E. Howard Cadle at the Cadle Tabernacle in
Indianapolis, Indiana. After Mr. Cadle died, Dr. Lakin became the pastor. During the next
fourteen years of ministry in that church, the ministry grew until he was preaching to ten
thousand people each Sunday. The services were broadcast nationwide. He was given an
honorary doctorate by Bob Jones University and Kletzing College.
In the early 1950's, Dr. Lakin began a thirty year itinerant
ministry that included the largest churches in America. He traveled fifty thousand miles
each year and preached to an average of four thousand people per week. He witnessed more
than one hundred thousand conversions to Christ. His sermons were a combination of
sanctified wit, good Bible teaching, and a strong appeal for people to come to Christ.
After more than sixty-five years of preaching, Dr. Lakin went
home to his heavenly mansion on March 15, 1984. His funeral was conducted at the Thomas
Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia. Over five thousand people attended the
memorial service. (Information from Canton Baptist Temple)
Sermon Titles Are As
CD Album 1
"The Jn.3:16 Of The Old Testament"
"For God So Loved The World"
"Three Minutes Before Death"
"Two Main Desires of the Christian Life"
"Bitter Cup"
"What Must I Do To Be Saved?"
(Item # LACDAL1)
CD Album 2
Anchored Until Day Dawns
How I Know There Is A God
No Hope
The Comeback of a Defeated Champion
Beattitudes of Revelation
When God Doesn't Answer Your Prayers
It Is Written
(Item # LACDAL2)
Click on blinking ball below to hear Dr.
Lakin preach.

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Site created by Tom Walker