Dr. Robert G. Lee
Compact Disk
Memorial Album

Dr. R. G. Lee was one of the
greatest preachers of the past. He pastored Belleview Baptist Church
in Memphis, Tennessee for 33 years. His pastoral ministry was marked
by a love for his people and a determined defense of the Word of
God. He strongly promoted the inerrancy of the Scriptures and would
stand without apology for the Word of God.
His sermons were eloquent, flowing
from the tongue of one of Americas greatest orators. He had a
command of the English language that few preachers have ever known.
He painted a picture with words, as he used multitudes of descriptive
adjectives and adverbs.
He was a distant relative of the
famous civil war general, Robert E. Lee.
Consider Him---The Home----The
Climate of The Cross---
Yielded Bodies---A Greater Than Solomon Is Here---
Beautifying The Teachings Of Jesus---We Shall Be Like Him---
Roses In The Bible
(Item # LECDAL)
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hear a clip of Dr. Lee's preaching:

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Site created by Tom Walker