Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"


Evangelist Joe Parsons
Compact  Disk

Memorial Album

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(1903 - 1977)

Brother Joe was used of the Lord in evangelism, serving as an evangelist.  He pastored for many years and began his evangelistic ministry in the late 1930's.  He preached in over 24 states of the United States, being mightily used of God.  Brother Parsons was a ,man full of God's Holy Word.   Brother Joe's talks or sermons convey a wealth of wisdom and a deep knowledge of the works and ways of God.  It will be inspiring and informing to hear this great man of God on cassette tape.

Sermons In This Eight Sermon
CD Album:
"Old Paths"
"Evidences of What Jesus Said"
"Ministers of Christ"
"Awake Thou That Sleepest"
"Whom Do Men Say Ye That I Am?"
"Church Member or Christian"
"Words To Young Timothy"
"Saved In Childbearing"
"Standing In The Storms"

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To order--click on graphic that says, "Order Now"

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Click on blinking ball below to
hear a clip of Brother Joe's  preaching:

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