Special Music CD
Henkle Little and the Sons of Faith

Item Number
This CD is of the Sons of Faith with Brother Henkle Little,
who was a camp meeting speaker and singer. He is the former pastor of
Calvary Baptist Church in Taylorsville, North Carolina. Brother Henkle
was a friend of mine and was a great preacher and a Spirit filled singer. I
appreciate his son Randy Little for giving me the permission to offer this
gospel keepsake from the past. Brother Henkle wrote the song--"Sorry I Never
Knew You."
1- Leaning On The Everlasting Arms 2- Rose Covered
Lane 3- Happiness 4- Beyond the Gates 5- Jesus So Divine
6- Help Me To
Stand Oh Lord 7- Some Morning Fair 8- Walking Up and Down the
Banks of Jordan 9- He is Mine and I am His 10- Blessings
That Flow From the Cross 11- Traveling Home 12- Jesus Paid
the Cost

Requested Donation- $11.00
Postage is included in requested donation


Site created by Tom Walker