Dr. Edgar Thomas
Eight CD Album

(1924 - 2002)
Dr. Edgar Thomas was a great
old-fashioned preacher. He preached in many of the major camp
meetings in the Southeast. He was pastor of Faith Baptist Church in
Gainsville, Georgia for some 30 years. During his years there he
moderated a great camp meeting that was held through his church each
year. People came from far and wide to the meetings.
Brother Edgar authored over 13
sermon books and booklets. He had a very spiritually productive
radio ministry for many years.
He always tried to not only help the
church but to help preachers when he went to preach meetings around the
country. He was a spiritual hero for many young preachers who were
coming along behind him. I appreciate his wife, sister Catherine,
for allowing me to make some of his materials available that we might
glean from him while awaits us in heaven.

Four Reasons I Believe Jesus Is Coming, God's Photograph of Jesus,
My Heavenly Father, Midnight, When God Judges A Nation,
Love The Greatest Need of the Church, Draw Nigh Unto God,
God's Gift To The Guilty
(Item # THCDAL)
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hear a clip of Brother Edgar's Preaching

Site created by Tom Walker