Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

Billy Bryant's Mini-Sermons
Let me recommend these mini-sermons
for your reading and for thoughts to jump-start you, in preparation to speak to others for
the Lord. I was raised under the ministry of Brother Billy Bryant, who is a
true man of God. He has been a tremendous encouragement and help to me as the years
have quicked passed. With his permission, I am in the process of putting these
mini-sermons on floppy disks. There will be a note on the home page of the
Preachers's Corner, when this task of scanning and editing the mini-sermons is
completed. As you read these mini-sermons, you can sense Brother Bill's wisdom
and his practical, Biblical solutions for dealing with the problems of life.
r. Tom Walker--The Preacher's Corner Webmaster

Pastor Billy Bryant

Site created by Tom Walker