How To Use Your Bible and The
Importance of God's Presence
Two great sermons from a good friend, Dr.
Bob Daugherty. His sermons are full of information and inspiration.
These will prove
to be a great blessing.
Item #PCD35 (2CDs)
$7.00 |
Illustrations of Brother Maze
These were complied by Brother Bobby Grubbs. One of the strong
points of the ministry of Brother Maze was his use of
Item #PCD36
$6.00 |
The Shekinah Glory of God and The
Baptism of the Holy Ghost
No preacher of the past is more knowledgeable of the Holy Ghost
and His power than was Dr. B.B. Caldwell.
Item #PCD37(2CDs)
$7.00 |
The Old Time Religions and The
Separation by Dr. W.A. Criswell
Dr. Criswell is one of the great preachers who ever walked in
shoe leather. He is a preacher of renown and is certainly worthy
of remembrance and recognition.
Item #PCD38 (2CDs)
$7.00 |
The Self Life by Evangelist Bill
This sermons was preached many years ago at Emmanuel Baptist
Church, Toast, NC, where Brother Jr. Dawson was the pastor.
If you have never heard Bill Stafford, you have missed a treat!
Item #PCD39 $6.00 |
The Self Life and The Christian
by Bill Stafford
There are two sermons in this item. He deals with both the kind
of life we do not need (the self life) and with the kind of life we
do need (the Christian Life). A strong contrast is
drawn between the two kinds of life.
Item #PCD40 (2CDs)
$7.00 |
Great Christians and Fervent In
Spirit by Dr. Lee Roberson
Dr. Roberson for many years was pastor of the Highland Park
Baptist Church in Chattanooga, TN and is the founder of Tennessee
Temple University. These sermons will touch your heart lead you to
serve God.
$7.00 |
If Christ Were Not God and If
Christ Had Not Died--Dr. John McCormick
These are two sermons from a very gifted Bible teacher and
preacher. His depth of insight and sense of humor go together to
provided exhortation for God's people.
$7.00 |
The Wilderness Tabernacle--Dr.
Charles Fuller (Radio Revival Hour)
This is a great study on the tabernacle in the wilderness. Dr.
Fuller skillfully presents how it all pictures the Lord Jesus
$6.00 |
Why I Reject The Charismatic
Movement- Dr J.B. Buffington
This is a tremendous study on the subject of speaking in unknown
tongues. Dr. Buffington is very masterful and thorough in deal with
the subject of why he rejects the modern dayCharismaticMovement.
$6.00 |
The Sovereignty of God- Dr.
Ralph Sexton Sr.- This is a sermon that helps to unfold the
nature and person of God Almighty. Brother Ralph possessed a good
balance when it comes to the sovereignty of God and the free will of
man. Item #PCD45
$6.00 |
Birds In The Bible- Dr. Tom
As you study the nature and characteristics of various birds,
you see pictures of various kinds of people found in the Word of
God.Item #PCD46
$6.00 |
Don't Touch God's Man
The Shindiggers Shenanigan
Evangelist Billy KellyThese two sermons are by one of
America's past great evangelists.
Item #PCD47 (2 CDs)
The Sin of Homosexuality
Dr. Lester Roloff
Dr. Roloff deals with the sin of homosexuality
in this message. He reveals what the Bible says about this issue.
What the Scriptures say about it is the "final authority" for the
Bible believer.
Item #PCD48
$6.00 |
Two Classic Sermons on The
Place Called Heaven
Dr. R. G. Lee and Dr. B.R. Lakin
Do you want to know more about heaven? These two sermons shed a
great deal of light
on what God has prepared for His people.
Item #PCD49(Two CDs)
$7.00 |
For Such An Hour As This
Delivered From The Mire
Dr. Joe Arthur
Brother Joe is "Mr. Camp Meeting" of our day. His messages will
make you want to
serve and love Jesus more!
Item #PCD50 (Two CD's)
$7.00 |
The Secret of the Overcoming Life
Evangelist Manley Beasley
Through his many experiences with pain and sickness, and out of
a close, intimate walk with God, Brother Beasley gives us
information on how to be victorious in spite of it all.
$6.00 |
Watch That Ghost
Dr. Percy Ray
People do not have to be filled with fear. There are ghosts that
haunt people every day of their lives and make them afraid. This is
very unusual and interesting sermon.
$6.00 |
The Guarded Tomb Has Lost It's
Don't Sell Your Chance With God
Dr. Percy Ray
Two great sermons by Dr. Percy Ray, who
was one of the greatest servants of God who
ever lived. These were preached in Camp
$7.00 |
You Can't Keep God From Doing It-
God Can't Keep You From Doing It
Dr. Percy Ray
Another unusual, information and Spirit filled message by Dr.
Percy Ray.Item #PCD54
$6.00 |
Why Did You Come To Church?
I'll Take The Old Stream
Dr. Tom WalkerTwo sermons by the founder and
of the Preacher's Corner. The Old Stream emphasizes the old paths
will still work.
Item #PCD54
$7.00 |
Brother Parsons spoke out of a deep walk with God.