Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Preaching CD's That Will
Be A Blessing

Recordings are preserved for a much longer period of time
on CD than on a standard cassette tape.  The cassette tape will get
old, brittle and lose some of its quality over a long period of time.
From what I have read, I glean that a CD will not lost its quality even
over the period of 100 years if it is store or used carefully.

Please Request by Item Number


The Red Light Of Hell
(One Sermon)
This is the classic sermon of Dr. Percy Ray. As you can hear from the audience response, God so used this message to the point that people were scared and crying out at the possibility of going to hell without God and without hope.
Item #PCD1                                      $6.00

The Christian And This World-  Must We Live? 
(Two Sermons)

These two sermons are by Dr. Vance Havner.  His wit and wisdom are evident in his sermons.  His messages both in written form and in spoken form are very much in demand.

Item # PCD6                                      $7.00

Who Died At Calvary?  Your Right To Heaven
(Two Sermons)

Dr. Donald Gray Barnhouse is on of the great ministers of the past.  He wrote various commentaries in his life that have help others. Dr. Billy Graham said, "I think he knew the Scriptures better than any man I knew." 

Item # PCD7                                     $7.00

The Supreme Task Of The Church---How God Called Me Into A World Wide Ministry
(Two Sermons)

His church, the People's Church, at one time had the largest Sunday School in Canada.  He authored over
25 books and has written over 1200 hymns.

Item #PCD8                                       $7.00

"Without Christ" and the sermon "Blessedness"
(Two Sermons)

George B. Duncan is one of the Scottish greats of the past.  He spoke often at the Keswick Convention and authored several books.

Item # PCD9                                       $7.00

If Footmen Tire What Will The Horses Do?
(One sermon on 2 CD's)

Dr. Pirkle in this classic messages informs your mind and stirs your spirit.  The message was of such length that it took two CDs to make the whole message available.

Item #PCD5 (Two CD's)                    $7.00

(One Sermon)

This is another great classic sermon by Dr. Pirkle.  This message comes from much preparation in study and prayers.  It will be a blessing to you!

Item # PCD4                                       $6.00

If God Sets Your Barley Fields On Fire
(One Sermon)
One of the greatest camp-meeting style preachers of all time was Brother Maze Jackson.  This message on the barley fields will move one not to be careless when it comes to the things of God.

Item #PCD10                                    $6.00

The Prodigal Son
(One Sermon)
This is a great message on the prodigal son only as Brother Maze could preach it.  This would be good message to give to someone who needs spiritual  help.

Item #PCD11                                   $6.00

Christ the Great I Am and The Great Tribunal
by Dr. B. R Lakin

These are two great sermons by one of the great preachers of the past.

Item #PCD3                                      $7.00

Four Sermons On Faith (MP3's) by Dr.
John McCormick.  These are by one of the greatest Bible teachers of his day.  You will find depth in all of his messages, yet they are simple enough for a child to grasp.

Item #PCD15                                 $7.00

This message, "Sounds From Hell" by Tom Walker, explores the possibility of what people might be screaming in hell. At the end of the message there are voices that might well convey what hell really sounds like.

Item #PCD13                                   $6.00

Two messages are on this CD with the preaching of Tom Walker.  Message one is "Lessons About God From The Candy Shop" and the other is "The Meaning Of The Candy Cane."< May God abundantly use this object lesson preaching.

Item#PCD14                                    $7.00

Believe and Ye Shall Receive and Why Christians Have Troubles

These are two tremendous messages by a man who intimately knew God and knew much about suffering.

Item #PCD12                                    $7.00

The Battle Of Armageddon
Dr. B. R. Lakin

This is a great sermon on the coming Greatest
Battle of all Battles, when Christ shall prevail over the armies of the earth.

Item #PCD16                                  $6.00

Three Meetings With Jesus
Two White Horses

Two great sermons by Dr B. Lakin. Dr. Lakin's sermons are always a blessing.


Item #PCD#17                                $7.00

Why I Am A Premillenarian
Dr. McCormick, great preacher and Bible teacher of the past, gives reasons why he believes in the Pre-millennial view of the interpretation of the Scriptures.NEW ITEM!

Item#PCD19                                   $6.00

Wolves In The Church
A message by Dr. Tom Walker on the presence of wolves among the sheep. Information is given on how to detect a church wolf.

Item#PCD26                                   $6.00

My Lord's World- A Birds Eye View of
Revelation- (2 CDs)

Two Great sermons by Dr. John Phillips
Preached at Camp Zion, Myrtle, MS.

Item#PCD21                                    $7.00

The Devil Is After Preachers
Dr. G. B. Vick reminds us of something we already know--that being, the Devil
is after preachers.

Item#PCD23                                    $6.00

Judas- When Job Prayed For His Friends
Dr. Jack Hyles gives us two great messages that will be of great help. The message on When Job Prayed For His Friends may turn your life or ministry around. (2CDs)

Item#PCD20 (2 CDs)                       $7.00

Jesus My  Lighthouse, God's Little
Lighthouses (2 CDs)
Two messages having to do with Christ our Lighthouse and our responsibility since He is in us.  Preached by Dr. Tom Walker

Item#PCD27(2 CDs)                        $7.00

The Role of the Deacon In The Church
A companion to the deacon book written by Dr. Tom Walker, founder of the Preachers Corner Ministry. This is a Biblical view of the role of a deacon in the local church.

Item#PCD28                                      $6.00

So Great A Salvation---If Your're Not
Saved Nothing Else Really Matters
Dr. Joe Henry Hankins preaches these two great messages for our edification.

Item#PCD23                                     $7.00

The Wicked Shall Be Turned Into Hell
A sermon from Evangelist Billy Kelly. This sermon will help a lost man to realize his doom if Christ is not his or her Savior.

Item#PCD19                                   $6.00

The Holy Ghost----The Fulness of the Spirit (2 CDs)
Two sermon from a great preacher and
missionary, Dr. James A. Stewart.

Item#PCD24                                  $7.00

The Second Touch- Honey In The Rock
"Uncle Bud" as to many called him was greatly used of God! He is probably one of the most famous of the Nazarene preachers. (2 CDs)

Item#PCD22                                   $7.00

The Outpouring of the Spirit
Dr. J. Frank Norris was one of the greatest conservative SouthernBaptist affiliated preachers of his day. His mark in church history will be seen for yearsto come.

Item#PCD19                                   $6.00

The Eastern Gate
A sermon preached by Dr. Tom Walker on the Eastern Gate, one of the gates of Jeru- salem that has been sealed, awaiting the Prince, the Lord Jesus. This is an interesting prophetic message.

Item #PCD29                                   $6.00

The Sound In The Mulberry Trees
Billy Kelly called Dr. Arthur Blackburn "Mr. Camp-meeting." His special gift of exhortation is evident as you hear Dr. Blackburn preach. Don't miss getting to hear this great preacher!

Item #PCD30                                    $6.00

Four Short Sermons by Dr. Harry Ironsides
This great preacher was pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago, Ill. and authored more than 60 volumes in his lifetime. (2cds)

Item #PCD31                                    $7.00

Speaking In Tongues by Dr. John R. Rice (Four CD's)

Do you have questions about what the Bible
says about speaking in tongues? These are 4 CD studies by Dr. Rice that will given us a better insight into the matter of tongues.
Item #PCD32                                   $14.00

The Story of Miphibosheth
The Four Hallelujah's (2 CDs)

Two of Dr. Harold B. Sightler's sermons. These are soul stirring and lead to a deeper appreciation of the grace of God.

Item #PCD33                                     $7.00

Sanctification &
Victory Over The Flesh (2CDs)

Two great sermons by the renown J. Sidlow
Baxter. He is known around the world as an
exceptional expositor of the Word of God.

Item #PCD34                                     $7.00

Single Sermon CD's are $7.00
Double Sermon CD's are $8.00
Four Sermon Albums are $15.00

Each CD has a full cover insert.

Special CD Collection of
Evangelist Joe Parsons
On Philippians
(From the Taylorsville Baptist Camp Meeting
in the 1970's).
----4 CD Album---

Brother Parsons spoke out of a deep walk with God.

Item Number:

Requested Donation of $15.00

If you would like to order one or more of these CD's
just click on the order now icon just below
these lines ! Postage is included in requested donation.

Item Number- (PCD32)

This is a four CD study by a great fundamental scholar
on the subject of tongues.  Dr. John Rice will be a blessing
as you study with him this controversial subject.
Requested Donation- $15.00


Two Sermons On One CD
or there may be two CD's in a pack.
$8.00 For Each Two Sermon Package

Please use item number when you fill out your order form.

Alas or Hallelujah and The Journey Is for The Great
Lest We Forget and Eternal Life Our Present Possession
Crags or Cages and All This And Heaven Too
Four Tests For Preachers and The Situation Is Desperate
God's Care For The Sparrow and If We Had Revival
Home Before Dark and Upon This Rock I Stand
The Christian and This Word and Must We Live
O Glorious Day and God Never Comes Second

Click on the Order Now
Button Above To Go To Order Form

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Site created by Tom Walker


The Fundamental Top 500