Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are
"Preach The Word"
Sermons By Steve Dagenhart On Phillipians
1. The Apostle Paul...............................................Phil.1:1 2. How It All Got Started..................Phil. 4:6 Acts 16:1-8 3. Paul's Greeting To The Philippians...................Phil.1:1-3 4. Until The Day................................................Phil. 1:8-11 5. Victory In The Face of Adversity.................Phil. 1:12-26 6. Church Unity..................................................Phil. 2:1-4 7. The Living Of The Philippian Church...........Phil.2:12-18 8. The Leadership Of The Philippian Church....Phil. 2:19 9. Our Heavenly Citizenship..............................Phil. 3:17-21 10. The Prominent Personality of the Philippian Church
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