Sermons From Joe Arthur

God's Looking For A
The Ascension of
Jesus Christ
Acts 1:1-11
The Baptism of
Jesus Christ
Matt. 3:13-17
The Birth of Jesus
Matt. 1:18-25
The Blood of Jesus
I Jn. Verse 17
The Childhood of
Jesus Christ
Luke 2
The Compassion of
Luke 7:11-16
The Cross of Jesus
1 Cor. 1:18-25
The Disciples of
Jesus Christ
Mark 3:13-19
The Final Hour of
Jesus Christ
John Chapters 13,14,18,19; Luke 22
The Kind of Person
God Can Use
2 Tim. 2:20-22
The Miracles of Jesus
Concerning Nature
John Chapters 2,6,11,21
The Miracles of
Jesus Concerning the Human Body
Mark Chapters 1,2,5,7,10
The Miracles of
Luke 15,19,22
The Priesthood of
Jesus Christ
Heb. 7:21-22
The Resurrection
of Jesus Christ
John 20:1-18
The Second
Coming of Jesus Christ
Acts 1:11
The Teaching of
Jesus About Christian Living
Matt. 5:7
The Teachings of
Jesus About the Holy Spirit
John Chapters3,14,15,16, & 20
The Teachings of Jesus
About Prayer
Luke 11:1-15
The Temptation of Jesus
Matt. 4:1-11
Who Hath Believe Our Report
Isa. 53:1-12

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